Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Emotional Energy Boost during Your Nursing Shift

Your Emotions are a gift. Emotions alert you to changes in situations and give you guides. Emotions can be worked with to your benefit. This article teaches you an increase in your emotional state of connection to yourself.
Spend a week doing the following exercise,
Each day, think about one situation that you would like to see improve. Lets use the example of a coworker who is difficult to work with. When you think about this situation,
Feel the emotion of excitement and happiness. Surround yourself with this feeling of excitement, as if going to work is like going on a vacation that you have been planing for months.

Then do imagery with this situation, Picture in your mind how you would like to see a conversation with this co worker going. When you think about this co worker imagine a peaceful, civil maybe even humorous conversation. Continue to vibrate this positive energy around this co-worker. Remember What you focus on with thoughts and feelings can become reality.

Journal what occurred and what changes took place.

Plan your shift mentally before you go to work. Go in with expectation that things will go smoothly, your assignment will be appropriate, or even light, your coworkers will have PMA, you will have PMA and everyone you encounter will be pleasant. Think about the shift in your head, think about accomplishing all of your tasks in an 8 hour / 16 hour or 24 period without (effort) WC, with support and with a smile.

Now here is the key; As you are thinking about your shift and time at work. but emotional positive energy into your thoughts. Identify to yourself exactly what emotion you feel when working on this process. Feel the energy of the emotion.

Positive emotions are: Love, excitement, happiness, joy, hope, (arguably these can be categorized many ways)

Feel the energy of joy and happiness coursing through your respiratory and circulatory systems. (your lungs and heart) connect with that energy and let it offer you protection.

Book: Excuse Me...Your Life is Waiting by Lynn Grabhorn
Create your own style. Nursing is an art form. Nursing is creative problem solving and strategic thinking. Nursing is having presence and mindfulness in the moment to have an increased awareness of any changes in your patients. Have an excellent shift!